Family though love

This blog is to record our journey into becoming a family after adopting our daughters June 30, 2005. Our situation is different than most, they were only placed with us June 15, 2005; so we hadn't gotten used to having kids prior to the adoption being finalized. The girls can use this blog to look back at everything they have done since joining our family.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Racism??? in 2007....

My girls started baseball last week. They are in different leagues. On Thursday we were running late because Nikki's teacher stopped me to talk. Nikki is the only girl on her team. Well, Todd got there before us and was waiting. While sitting there waiting, Todd heard two other fathers talking. One of them said "There are some kids missing" and the other father said and I quote.... "Yea, that stupid Mexican girl isn't here yet..." OK..... Stupid... Mexican.... why couldn't they just say the "GIRL"???????? Above is a picture of the beautiful (Mexican) girl they were talking about... Blows my mind.... Just had to get that off of my chest.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Adoption Anniversary

Our adoption anniversary is in June. It seems like it is so far away, but its really not. We have already started talking about what we're going to do (it will be our 2nd anniversary). Last year we had a cookout, had a cake, the kids played outside for about an hour... we had a pinata... The kids love it. We have family & friends over, the girls younger brother & sister come over and we let the girls each invite one or two friends. If anyone has any ideas for something to do to make this year just as special as our first anniversary and our adoption celebration, let me know. We don't make it a gift giving thing because they get gifts for their birthdays and I don't want the other kids in the family (nieces & nephews mainly) to feel like they are less special because my girls get gifts twice a year instead of once. We just do it more to celebrate our family. We include my brother, Antonio who was adopted in January 2005 in the party. We put his name on the cake, along with my girls and their younger brother & sister.

Anyway, I am open to any suggestions.

Nikki's Birthday

We are in the process of planning Nikki's birthday party. Her birthday is February 6th. She will be 10. We met her when she was 5, she has come so far in those 5 years! She wants a Tinkerbell party. Todd says she's too old for that, but I say "Let her... shes only a little girl once"..... I won that one. He still says shes too old but agrees shes only young once. She still loves to cuddle with her mom & dad... and she still loves to spend time with us, we feel so lucky and blessed. But, boy is she growing up.

Baseball & Girl Scout Cookies

The girls had their baseball draft on Saturday. We got the calls last night about which teams they are on. Nikki's first practice is tonight... Leah's first practice is tomorrow night. This is the beginning of craziness for a couple of months. We will have practice probably everyday until the 10th of Feb (that's when their first games are). Yes, the girls are on different teams and are in different leagues (Leah is in the 7-8 year old league and Nikki is in the 9-10 year old league). Leah is more excited this year because she is on her "boyfriends" team (his dad is the coach and he picked her because she asked him to). The girls are excited and it will keep them busy and active, so we are happy for them. We get to socialize with lots of other Moms & Dads at the practices and games. It's kind of weird because last year, Todd told one of the moms that the girls were adopted and they couldn't believe it. They kept saying "they are so good... we thought the kids that were adopted had problems..." Sounds like adopted children have a bad name by people who have nothing to do with adoption.

We are also right in the middle of selling Girl Scout cookies. They have sold close to 250 so far during preorders and they want to sell 1200 total. Looks like we will be busy during booth sales. Last year they sold 824 (total, gave them 412 each).

Friday, January 05, 2007

Latest Family Pictures

Here is our latest family picture (Christmas 2006)

Our beautiful daughters

Happy 2007!!!!

Its already 2007... where has the time gone?? Well, the girls made it this year. They stayed up past midnight (I never thought we would get them to bed). We played games all night.

They had a good Christmas (I must say that Santa keeps giving them way too much). They once again this year said that their favorite part of Christmas was their family.

We went to NC for Thanksgiving to visit family. They had a blast. They met more family for the first time. They got to go ice skating for the first time, also. That was a blast. Nikki was a natural at it, but Leah on the other hand... she spent most of her time on her bottom or knees.

Nikki Ice Skating, Leah trying to figure out how to do this without falling.

Well, Leah.... it didn't work. There you are on your bottom again.

Now, back to 2007... we are getting ready to start selling Girl Scout cookies (anyone want to buy some??). They told us that they want to sell 500 boxes EACH this year. This year I have been more active in Girl Scouts, staying for the meetings with them (last year Girl Scouts wasn't a great experience, so they asked me to stay with them during the meetings & of course I said yes). Also, baseball is about to start. The draft is January 20th and practice starts February 1st. I don't think I am ready for baseball EVERY night, but the girls love it so thats what's important. In March, they want to play soccer (along with still playing baseball), which we have already told them they could do. I will be wishing I hadn't told them that after the first week, I am sure.