Family though love

This blog is to record our journey into becoming a family after adopting our daughters June 30, 2005. Our situation is different than most, they were only placed with us June 15, 2005; so we hadn't gotten used to having kids prior to the adoption being finalized. The girls can use this blog to look back at everything they have done since joining our family.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Adoption Anniversary

Our adoption anniversary is in June. It seems like it is so far away, but its really not. We have already started talking about what we're going to do (it will be our 2nd anniversary). Last year we had a cookout, had a cake, the kids played outside for about an hour... we had a pinata... The kids love it. We have family & friends over, the girls younger brother & sister come over and we let the girls each invite one or two friends. If anyone has any ideas for something to do to make this year just as special as our first anniversary and our adoption celebration, let me know. We don't make it a gift giving thing because they get gifts for their birthdays and I don't want the other kids in the family (nieces & nephews mainly) to feel like they are less special because my girls get gifts twice a year instead of once. We just do it more to celebrate our family. We include my brother, Antonio who was adopted in January 2005 in the party. We put his name on the cake, along with my girls and their younger brother & sister.

Anyway, I am open to any suggestions.


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