Family though love

This blog is to record our journey into becoming a family after adopting our daughters June 30, 2005. Our situation is different than most, they were only placed with us June 15, 2005; so we hadn't gotten used to having kids prior to the adoption being finalized. The girls can use this blog to look back at everything they have done since joining our family.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy 2007!!!!

Its already 2007... where has the time gone?? Well, the girls made it this year. They stayed up past midnight (I never thought we would get them to bed). We played games all night.

They had a good Christmas (I must say that Santa keeps giving them way too much). They once again this year said that their favorite part of Christmas was their family.

We went to NC for Thanksgiving to visit family. They had a blast. They met more family for the first time. They got to go ice skating for the first time, also. That was a blast. Nikki was a natural at it, but Leah on the other hand... she spent most of her time on her bottom or knees.

Nikki Ice Skating, Leah trying to figure out how to do this without falling.

Well, Leah.... it didn't work. There you are on your bottom again.

Now, back to 2007... we are getting ready to start selling Girl Scout cookies (anyone want to buy some??). They told us that they want to sell 500 boxes EACH this year. This year I have been more active in Girl Scouts, staying for the meetings with them (last year Girl Scouts wasn't a great experience, so they asked me to stay with them during the meetings & of course I said yes). Also, baseball is about to start. The draft is January 20th and practice starts February 1st. I don't think I am ready for baseball EVERY night, but the girls love it so thats what's important. In March, they want to play soccer (along with still playing baseball), which we have already told them they could do. I will be wishing I hadn't told them that after the first week, I am sure.


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